+ 3
I think it depends on your web site's back end. Like in a flask server you can easily do that by using something similar to @app.route['blog-name'] pageToRender(){}. I don't know much about react but if you are using the react router dom then probably it is the same as well. Correct me if I am wrong.
+ 3
Like Ved Thaker said if you are using a framework like flask the routing of your website will be different but if you are using just regular HTML, Try:
Create a folder:
Root -|
MyFolder -|
The act of creating the folder (directory) and having the index file in it will say. If you go to ‘website.com/MyFolder’ it will return the index file in the MyFolder directory. You can keep adding folders inside on another if you wanted to. If you want multiple files just specify in the url, ‘website.com/MyFolder/anotherpage.html’
If you are using a certain web framework or backend that this won’t work on please specify!