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Create a classic FizzBuzz program in python that loops from 0-100 and outputs FIZZ when the number is even, Buzz when the numbe
HERE'S MY SOLUTION.. PLEASE HELP . . https://code.sololearn.com/cy3EiBm1av2x/?ref=app
5 Respostas
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Mirielle i have attached the link.. Please help
Now pls edit the question telling us what help you need
It skips past required numbers 0 and 1.
The for loop in is_prime always exits in its first iteration. That is because both branches of the if/else statement inside the loop end with a return statement. The break statement after the return is unreachable.
There is unnecessary logic and unreachable code in the Fizzbuzz function.
Below I have reduced the code and put it into workable condition:
#Define a prime number
def is_prime(x):
if x <= 1:
return False
for primes in range(2,x):
if x % primes == 0 :
return False
return True
def Fizzbuzz(Number):
for y in range (0, Number+1):
if is_prime(y):
print (f"{y} FizzBuzz")
elif y % 2 == 0:
print ("Fizz")
print ("Buzz")