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How I can run java or paython code
Pleeeeez! How I can run java or paython code
2 Respostas
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For python, just install the latest version online from the python website, and then code into a file with the extension .py
After that just execute the file in any way, whether it be via a text editor such as VS code, or just go to the directory that contains the file in your terminal, and execute it by putting python before the name of the file, so let’s say I have a file called hi.py:
python hi.py
To execute.
For java follow the exact same steps, but download java, the extension is .java and to execute you do javac file (with extension) then java file (witohut extension)
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Install Java or Python and double click on the
.jar File (for Java)
.py/.pyc File(for Python)