I'm currently learning python can I learn php simultaneously
18 Respostas
+ 6
Sheriff Oladimeji You can learn each combination you want ā this your decision. Please don't ask for each combination if "you can learn them simultaneously".
Just try yourself.
For complete beginners I would recommend to finish the basics in 1 programming language before you start a new one.
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Ok thanks Chris Coder
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Yes you can learn many languages as well but not a good idea because each language used for different reasons.
There is no relation with Python and PHP both are completely different. So doesn't make sense to learn both together.
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Sheriff Oladimeji
Python is mostly used in data science and machine learning
Html, CSS, JavaScript are used for web development.
Web development, data science and machine learning these are completely different subjects.
I would suggest go through with all languages then you will understand which languages can be learn and used together.
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Sure, why not? You have to decide this for yourself.
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Yes you can but it's better to be good at python
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Lisa thanks for the advice
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Yes, you can probably learn 2 languages together but I think that you should complete python first. Python is used in data science whereas PHP is a server side scripting language used in web development.They both are totally different. If you leave python in the middle, you can forget it and while learning php you can also mix the knowledge. Python is a strictly-typed language whereas PHP is the opposite. So better if you complete one language first and learn the rest after it. If you complete atleast 1 language,then it will be easier for you to learn others, they just have little changes.
But it depends on you how you choose to learn.If you really want to learn both, absolutely you can!
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Human brain can do 1 thing better at 1 time.
Can I learn php while learning python
Yes it is possible to learn multiple programing languages at the same time. But I don't recommended to try to learn more than one at the same time if you're new to coding.
You can learn 2 , 3 , 4 , all depends on how you are digesting it , if you think you are learning the boths well , so go for it. If not , i will recommend u to step one of them out of the map for the moment and focus in one. Anyway if you are new at coding i think u may need to take it easy , cuz learn 4 h py in a day may be better than 2h py and 2h php.
I think, if you are the bases in at least one language, it can have no problem, otherwise, I think it can be confused first, beacause PHP like python are a too vaste environment and the challenge is big. Otherwise, all depends on were you thinking coming. And everyone is capable of all I can imagine
I you're consistent (unlike me) and can assign time to learn, then yes it is possible (although it isn't possible for me lol)
Yes you can but one at a time is better