+ 1
Is it important to us lang and metacharset = "utf-8" ?
I have seen the lang attribute used a few times on YouTube videos when I'm looking up coding examples and I've seen the metacharset = "utf-8" alot too.And I wanna know if its important to include when building a website because soloLearn does not go over either of these two.(metacharset = "utf-8", yes. But it was quite breify and didnt explain much.
5 Respostas
+ 13
@Jinkxa yes, for example...
In Italy we have the accented character, when i don't remember to include the meta charset, it becomes illegible.
This is only a stupid example, UTF-8 is the default "encoding charset" of HTML5.
Include the meta charset to prevent errors.
+ 11
No, it is not required, the page will work anyway in the most cases... but:
"Will browsers use the proper encoding 99% of the time? If your page is UTF-8, probably. If not, probably not" (StackOverflow)
+ 2
Because these tags are related to SEO you can find your answer in SEO tutorial google for em.
+ 1
Thanks very helful oh and @Maz that one code you did with the whole pdf thing was so cool !
hmmm so its not required, but UTF-8 has some importance that is necessary? Is that what you're implying ?