question in php
Who can explain this? $a=3; $b=7; function sum($b,$c) { global $a; return $c*($a.$b)/$c; } echo sum($a,$b)/$a;
2 Respostas
+ 2
Sara Ali
sum ($a, $b)
= sum (3, 7)
remember there is global $a so inside function sum $a would be 3
Now sum function return $c * ($a.$b) / $c
$c is a function argument which is 7
$b is a function argument which is 3
Because we have passed 3 and 7 from the outside = sum (3, 7)
Now $c * ($a.$b) = 7 * 33
Note => . is used to concat so $a.$b = 33
7 * 33 / $c = 7 * 33 / 7 = 33
Now sum($a, $b) = 33
So finally 33 / $a = 33 / 3 = 11
+ 1
A͢J Thanks 🙂🙂