7 Respostas
+ 2
A quick Google search led me to this github repo:
You could study and perhaps gain some idea on how the author approached a similar problem and come up with your own version.
A simplified method is probably all you need.
And then you would still need to code your gui. What module would you use?
I'm not a genius programmer by any stretch. But I always keep the mindset that any task we encounter is probably not a new one. No need to start from zero.
+ 1
Care to elaborate?
will it be a simple display gui, or a tournament simulation?
if it is just gui, maybe something like this?
+ 1
Bob_Li It would a tournament simulation.
I'll elaborate on what I am thinking.
There are ten weight and age categories (assumption).
I would take participant's age and weight and from there it would be automatically classified and a single elimination type matchmaking will happen. For example, there are ten people in under 12 age and under 30 kilograms, so they would be automatically matched and gui for 10 people matching will be created.
Second example, there are six people in under 14 age and under 45 kilograms, so they would be automatically matched and gui for 6 people matching will be created.
+ 1
interesting problem.
Could you give a more concrete listing of the weight and age classes? Maybe there is no need to go into object oriented programming.
It feels more like a task where you assign a player a category if they satisfy certain conditions (weight, age), then do a playoff for each category.
You might not even need a gui, just a json file.
I was watching a youtube video today:
The topic was novel use of Python dictionary.
It inspired me to apply it to your classification problem.
A classifier script using a dictionary instead of switch-case.
Data is a dictionary of contestants (name:weight)
I Googled weight-categories for boxing as a test for categories by weight.
The result is a dictionary of weight-class:list of names.