Break and Continue
You are making a ticketing system. The price of a single ticket is $100. For children under 3 years of age, the ticket is free. Your program needs to take the ages of 5 passengers as input and output the total price for their tickets. Sample Input 18 24 2 5 42 Sample Output 400 I'm stuck on this program. Kindly assist me if you can
18 Respostas
+ 3
Tochukwu Onyebueke You read the age one time only (int(input()) call) but you have to do 5 times (same time that your while loop is executed then try to move the reading of age inside the while loop..
Pseudo code:
For 5 times
read the next age as int
if the age is more than 2
the total is incremented by 100
after the loop, print the total
+ 5
Why everyone giving him solution?? Instead of explanation.
+ 2
And also
hint2: only add 100 to total when age is greater than 2.
And hint3: update p-=1 outside if.
+ 2
Hi! if this topic is difficult for you, please take the lesson again (which precedes this task) or go back a few steps and start learning all the lesson topics more carefully and diligently again. you were given enough clues, the pseudo code was especially good! šš
Or start learn python from another sources:
+ 2
KrOW I did it
total = 0
x = 0
while x < 5:
age =int(input())
if age > 3:
total += 100
x += 1
+ 2
š“Break : break or Stop the loop
š“Continue : skip the part according to the condition
+ 2
I agree with you completely. I dont approve of it either. but how to ban? its impossible
+ 1
Here's my attempt
total = 0
p = 5
age = int(input())
while p > 0:
total += 100
if age >2:
p -=1
+ 1
Tochukwu Onyebueke You have to read all 5 int (eg. ages) but i see that you read only one of them.
Futhermore you have to print the total after processed all ages
(hint: input() have to be in loop)
+ 1
total = 0
i = 5
While i < 5 :
age = int(input())
If age < 3:
Total += 100
+ 1
I used this one it works
total = 0
passengers = 5
ticket = 100
while passengers > 0:
passengers -= 1
if age<3:
elif age>2:
total += ticket
KrOW how? I don't get it. I'm so confused right now
Maybe try if age is greater than or equal to 3 add 100 to total all in the loop then print total
dan an End Of Line Error occurs
Tochukwu Onyebueke šš»
Js js js
Come on guys. I'm past that level. Move on!