Can you explain me why this algorithm is O(n) as time complexity?

class Solution { public List<Integer> preorder(Node root) { List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(); if (root == null) return list; Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<>(); stack.add(root); while (!stack.empty()) { root = stack.pop(); list.add(root.val); for (int i = root.children.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) stack.add(root.children.get(i)); } return list; } }

17th Nov 2022, 12:41 PM
7 Respostas
<DD> No, I don't think it's the correct explanation. Yes, each node is processed one time but it doesn't matter here ... I think that the behavior is linear because also with large inputs, it is still linear .. I mean what matters when we re calculating time complexities is our parameters, which change how our code behaves ... In this case, it is the number of nodes
17th Nov 2022, 2:29 PM
<DD> I have asked for an explanation why this algorithm is O(n)/linear? You gently answered that is O(n) because each node is processed one time. From my point of view this explanation isn't correct because Big O notation is linked to the following question: How does algorithm speed scale when input scales becoming very large?
17th Nov 2022, 2:48 PM
<DD> Thank you very much!!!
17th Nov 2022, 3:09 PM