How to code using numpy on an Android device
I was disappointed to see that the Android QPython development app did not support importing numpy. But I found a good alternative to experiment with numpy on my Android smartphone or tablet: use repl.it. Create an account, then create a session, specifying Python 3 as target language (beware, if you select Python 2.7, importing numpy will fail. You can even use matplotlib (example here: https://www.google.ch/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://repl.it/EwS1&ved=0ahUKEwiwzvKmtp_TAhUkDcAKHUkHAFkQFggaMAA&us
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+ 5
Have you tried downloading the package to storage/emulated/0/qpython/site-packages on your mobile? Helped me in a similar case problem.