+ 18
Who are the "celebs" on soloLearn and what are they known for?
I know that @Tashi is always answering questions and is really trying to be helpful for everyone around here. That's really admirable. Also @Nikolay Nachev. Simply because he is so good he leads every board. What are your "celebs" here on soloLearn? And what are they are known for? ;)
23 Respostas
+ 33
@Ashley Kruger (kinda bias on this one) 😍
@Agus Mei
@Tashi N
This list isn't in any order and there is way to many people to list. There are so many great people here and I've learned so much here in the short 6 days I've been a part of this awesomesause community!
+ 28
@Tashi N because her explanations are very simple and easy to understand. ☺
+ 22
All the credit == Hatsy Rei:
The most active user here on SoloLearn:)
+ 21
There's literally too many to name.
+ 16
Celeb of the Year
@Hatsy Rei
She always has a new way to answer the question and entertain anyone who read it.
+ 15
Best answer from @Hatsy Rei ^^
+ 15
@Sora Definitely yourself ^^
+ 14
@Hatsy Rei
@Tashi N
@Ahri Fox
@Agus Mei
If I missed a name, I'm sorry, memory no work.
+ 13
didn't forget @Hatsy Rei
+ 12
@Hatsy this moth, very helpful and
@Tashi most clear answers
+ 11
@Kuba, @Tashi,@Nikolay,@Kuba and @Ram these are the legends. I think they are best in everything good cods , helps to beginners, good explanations etc etc...
+ 10
@Nikolay nachev sir, known for his flawless victory & leader in board...
every time I open solo learn app.I can see that
Nikolay nachev completed 20 challenges
Nikolay 5 : 3 opposite challenger
Nikolay 5 : 2 opposite challenger
Nikolay 5: 0 opposite challenger
this what I get to see....
+ 10
I have alot of them, they all helped me fix my codes in Ruby, Python, C++ they also answer my questions😂😂 You know who you are 😀😂
+ 10
@very hard
@Aheri fox
always help and my best friends on solo learn
+ 9
@Chirag Bhansali : my bad. But at least people know who I am referring to. :P
+ 7
for the thread on good programing books....
+ 7
@Wisdom Abioye for his trending threads on IT/Programming Abbreviations & Acronyms ...
+ 6
Am I celeb?