+ 52
What is the wrong way to learn to code ?
I spend a ton of time thinking about all of the different “right ways” to learn to code. From my point of view, there is no common “right way.” The right way is the way that works best for you, given your learning style and your goals. But there is the common wrong way to learn to code.
110 Respostas
+ 110
See the code somewhere in a book or web and trying to use it in your project without any solid understanding of what's been its mechanism and even worse what it is going to produce and does it really fit to your program or not.
+ 75
The wrong way to learn to code is to expect that a single method of learning will be sufficient enough to lead you to where you want to go.
Programming is largely a process of learning by doing, but in the process, it’s critical to incorporate each of the other aspects as well:
Working 1-on-1 with an expert
Text-based lessons
Spoken word
Collaboration on a team
Trial and error
Code reviews
If you leverage the power of each of these approaches and combine it with a crazy amount of effort, then you’ll have the power to learn incredibly complicated things from the field of programming.
Notice also that the best way to learn anything is to experience it at increasingly complex levels over time.
+ 66
while riding a horse
+ 50
There are 2 main mistakes that i had seen often:
1. People trying to work on too hard tasks having too little experience.
2. People do not write their own code.
+ 47
I'd say trying to learn too much, too fast is the worst. The key is to stick to one language at a time and keep repeating everything until you understand every part of what you wrote.
+ 36
Learning without practicing is horrible. It makes you forgetting everything you have learned. One should practice all the different kinds of codes and functions he has learned in his language, so he can fully master that language and not forget anything.
+ 22
The worst thing to do is thinking on giving up when not grasping some concepts. Take your time
+ 22
*Shortcuts * plagiarism
+ 17
Aspiring badges rather than skills.
+ 16
From my point of view, not being curious is the worst thing to do when learning to code. You have to try your own codes, keep trying new modules, libraries and so you didnt knew before
+ 16
on paper, without a PC, even though in the past some people have managed to do it that way 😃
+ 15
Wrong Way Is
(just Kidding)
+ 14
rightway: understand syntax nd implement your own code based on the requirements
wrong way : just copy the code and use it
+ 14
Writing codes by memorizing ways of doing:
That way one is not able to learn anything as he never bothered to ask 'How?'...
Copying codes without understanding:
That way one is never able to get familiar with the syntax of the language...
Learning without trying:
This makes one forget things easily and forces him to do 1 or 2 later...
+ 13
The worst method imo is copy pasting a code without any understanding of how it works internally and trying to "fit" it into your needs.
+ 12
Copy & Paste should at least involve filtering and improving the content.
+ 11
to not practice what you just learn and go to the next lesson only based on your success at the little quizz. it is good to find a little coding project for each lesson.
+ 11
try to impelement the code even if it is wrong.so tat we can rectify our mistakes
+ 10
I recently realized a road block when digging for a code to handle text based map handling and movement. The methods I found were so convoluded and over my head that I was going to give up. I decided instead to do it myself and came up with something personal and easy to manipulate. Basically, dont limit your learning by following others, we all learn and do differently, even if there are some gems that teach us a lot.
+ 10
I think the right way is to write the code as you see it working the problem