I still fail many of the tests.Could anyone explain me why?
import java.util.Scanner; public class Program { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in); String str=sc.nextLine(); String[]s1=str.split(","); double g2=Integer.parseInt(s1[1]); double g3=Integer.parseInt(s1[2]); double co=g2+g3; double res=((co)+co*0.07)*0.3; System.out.println((int)Math.floor(res)); } }
4 Respostas
+ 2
Can you post what the task is?
Why do you do the parsing instead of taking the input as the correct variable type?
+ 2
// Change the index to 0,1 instead of 1,2
double g2=Integer.parseInt(s1[0]); // first index
double g3=Integer.parseInt(s1[1]); // second index
+ 1
Killiam Chances ,
Hope this code helps
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
String[] a = input.nextLine().split(",");
double[] lst = Arrays.stream(a).mapToDouble(num -> Double.parseDouble(num)).toArray();
lst = Arrays.copyOfRange(lst, 0, lst.length-1);
double t=0, tx=1.07, d=.3;
for (double x : lst) t += (x*tx)*d;
Here is the task
Your favorite store is having a sale! You pay full price for the most expensive item that you get, but then you get 30% off of everything else in your purchase! How much are you going to save?
Sales tax is 7%.
Also, you leave anything below a dollar in your saving as a tip to the seller. If your saving is a round amount, you don't leave any tips.
Given the prices of items you want to purchase, determine how much you will save during your shopping!
Input Format:
An string of numbers separated by commas that represent the prices for all of the items that you want to purchase (without tax).
Output Format:
An integer number that represents the total savings that you got for shopping during the sale.
Sample Input:
Sample Output: