How we define "addProd" in python?
Hey guys pls help me to find that error i am not able to solve that error. In my shop management project there have only 4 errors which is about the - 1."addProd" is not defined pylance 2."delProd"is not defined pylance 3."viewProd"is not defined pylance 4."newCust"is not defined pylance Pls help me to find this error @sololearn pls help me here !!đ
9 Respostas
+ 5
Gajanan Awate ,
to get help we need to see your code attempt.
please store your code in playground and link it here.
+ 4
Emerson Prado ,
yes we should do so. is there any description available that i can use?
+ 1
#Importing the required modules
import resource
import tkinter
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
from tkinter import font
from tkinter import messagebox
import mysql.connector
#Creating the main window
wn = tkinter.Tk()
wn.title("PythonGeeks Shop Management System")
headingFrame1 = Frame(wn,bg="snow3",bd=5)
headingLabel = Label(headingFrame1, text="Welcome to PythonGeeks \n Shop Management System", fg='grey19', font=('Courier',15,'bold'))
headingLabel.place(relx=0,rely=0, relwidth=1, relheight=1)
#Button to add a new product
btn1 = Button(wn,text="Add a Product",bg='LightBlue1', fg='black', width=20,height=2, command=addProd)
btn1['font'] = font.Font( size=12)
#Button to delete a product
btn2 = Button(wn,text="Delete a Product",bg='misty rose', fg='black',width=20,height=2,command=delProd)
btn2['font'] = font.Font( siz
+ 1
Gajanan Awate the code got truncated, and it's difficult to folllow anyway when just pasted in a comment.
Pls do it this way:
1. Edit your question description
2. Tap "+" button, then "Code"
3. Select your code
This way, you can be sure the code comes full and unmodified, and also that we can run, debug and test solutions.
+ 1
Lothar , let's always give the linking instructions for linking the code?
+ 1
Lothar I don't know. You can use mine if you like - I always use the same (my phone keyboard almost types it by itself...).
Okk sure !!