+ 1
How to write what you need the person to input, and also order inputs
I'm trying to make a Rock Paper Scissors game but I need to ask the player if they'd like to play again at the end using ReadLine(). This not only shows at the beginning, when I need it to show at the end, but also the player doesn't know what I'm asking them. Is there either another way to ask for input, or a way to order ReadLine()s and also tell the player what I'm trying to ask them?
3 Respostas
+ 3
You can output a line with your question using WriteLine.
Put that before your ReadLine
+ 2
It is true. However, I think you've just revealed an important piece of information that you left out/didn't think of in your post.
You are using it on Sololearn correct?
Sololearn's compiler only accepts all input at runtime. It's not real-time.
If you use another IDE, you'll see the difference.
Here are some threads for IDEs.
Ausgrindtube That's just not true. It doesn't show the written line and still makes me put in an I put before the line is displayed or anything in the project is done