+ 5
Javascript Challenge Query
Can somebody explain to me, what is going on here ? var x = 50, y = 5, z = x % y; var zero = new Number(z); document.write(zero == true); // gives false if (zero) { // but here it executes... document.write(true); }
11 Respostas
+ 6
Hi Sp Maurya
I try to explain it in 4 stepsđ
var x = 50, y = 5, z = x % y;
var zero = new Number(z);
//1 .here new number creates an object with value
//of z . Result=> {0}
document.write(zero == true); // false
// 2. Its false because the object {0} itself
// is not equal to true
// 3. Your can check the value of an object with
//valueOf() method .
//result=> {0}.valueOf() is equal with 0
if (zero) {
//4. Remember always an object with any value
//even falsy values are true when you consider it
//as a boolean. So that's why here the code inside
// block is running.
+ 2
Sp Maurya
here zero is an object
Check console.log(typeof zero)
if (object) will always return true but object == true will return false
+ 1
50 % 5 = 0
So now check what is the value of zero
new Number(z) will return object so
object == true // false
if(object) //true
+ 1
Sp Maurya
if you just write zero = Number(z)
then second will not execute.
+ 1
Oh i see... Thanks...
+ 1
Yasin Rahnaward thanks brother for the effort... You made it a lot clearer...
+ 1
Yes they are NAN,false,undefined,0,empty string
+ 1
En résumé, le code teste la conversion de l'objet Number en une valeur booléenne, qui renvoie false car un objet est considéré comme faux lorsqu'il est comparé à une valeur booléenne. Cependant, l'objet est toujours considéré comme "truthy" lorsqu'il est utilisé dans une expression booléenne, ce qui permet à if (zero) de s'exécuter.
Yep that much i know...
if (0) {
// not executes
if (zero) {
// but this executes
And if i'm right falsy means the value which when converted to boolean results in false...
Javascript Challenge Query
Can somebody explain to me, what is going on here ?
var x = 50, y = 5, z = x % y;
var zero = new Number(z);
document.write(zero == true); // gives false
if (zero) { // but here it executes...