Embeding Google Drive Folder
I am trying to embed Google Drive folder in webpage. I am using iframe for it. The folder is displays in the webpage. But, when I click on the file, it opens in new tab. I want to open the files in the webpage itself. How to do?
5 Respostas
Mustu To open the files from the Google Drive folder directly within your webpage, you can modify the iframe URL. Add &usp=sharing at the end of the URL within the src attribute of the iframe tag. This should prevent the files from opening in a new tab and instead open them within the embedded iframe on your webpage. Here's an example:
<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/embeddedfolderview?id=YOUR_FOLDER_ID&usp=sharing" width="640" height="450"></iframe>
Thanks a lot. I will check it and give you update
Mustu Ok you check and update me.
No. Still it is open in new tab. Attribute target=self will work? I don't know much about it. Please check on behalf of me.
Mustu You can try