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How do I make lyrics read through when the song's playing?? Like word for word
6 Respostas
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1. In html added id=„lys“
<p class="lyrics" id="lys"></p>
2. In js code added a global variable lys of this id.
const lys = document.querySelector("#lys");
3. In the nextSong and previuusSong event listeners added
lys.innerHTML = songs[current_song].lyrics;
Here a easiest implementation for example:
+ 4
It's a pity that your code presented here didn't implement showing texts. Maybe this link will help otherwise the world wide web:
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about LRC... it is easier if you can find ready made ones, but if you have to make them yourself, you can do the manual option if it's only a few songs..
or if you're adventurous and ok with python, you can try this:
the link to his github repo is in the description under the video.
Well, thanks, I meant to read them as a song goes, I'll add them alright and style them that's just fine no big deal but I'm Interested in reading them as a so goes if there's a way to do that. I already have an idea in mind but I'm not sure if I'll not need an API plus...
True that my bad I hadn't yet added them, but anyway this will help thank you.
Not sure why but the second is not working can you resend it again