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Palindrome words with underscore or hyphen
How can I treat a word with underscore or hyphen To check if it's a palindrome word or not
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Palindromes are typically considered without spaces, underscores, or hyphens. They are usually evaluated solely based on the arrangement of letters or characters. So, if you have a word like "a_b_a" or "race-car" and you ignore the underscores and hyphens, they are palindromic because "aba" and "racecar" are palindromic sequences of characters.In essence, the presence of underscores or hyphens does not affect the palindromic nature of a word or phrase as long as the characters themselves form a palindrome when spaces and special characters are removed.
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To check if a word with underscores or hyphens is a palindrome, you can follow these steps in JavaScript:
Remove underscores and hyphens from the word.
Convert the word to lowercase to ensure a case-insensitive comparison.
Compare the original word with its reverse to determine if it's a palindrome.
Here's a JavaScript function that accomplishes this:
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function isPalindrome(word) {
// Remove underscores and hyphens and convert to lowercase
const cleanedWord = word.replace(/[_-]/g, '').toLowerCase();
// Reverse the cleaned word
const reversedWord = cleanedWord.split('').reverse().join('');
// Check if it's a palindrome
return cleanedWord === reversedWord;
// Example usage:
const word1 = "racecar"; // Palindrome without underscores or hyphens
const word2 = "A man, a plan, a canal"; // Palindrome with spaces and punctuation
const word3 = "a_b-c"; // Palindrome with underscores and hyphens
console.log(isPalindrome(word1)); // true
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console.log(isPalindrome(word2)); // true
console.log(isPalindrome(word3)); // true
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This function, isPalindrome, first removes underscores and hyphens using the regular expression [/_-]/g. Then, it converts the word to lowercase and checks if it's a palindrome by comparing it to its reversed form.
You can use this function to check if a word containing underscores or hyphens is a palindrome or not.