4 Respostas
+ 7
Not only in python but in all languages some test cases are hidden.So that no one can solve them with defraud.If anybody knows what the requirement of test cases are? Then he/she can directly refrase the code to only fulfill the needs of test cases!
+ 1
In simpler words, it’s so you can’t just use a conditional to solve the problem.
+ 1
Rain ,
That could make a GIANT post about this very thing.
Natnael Melesse Abera ,
Send a suggestion in feedback to unlock the test cases as I did.
This app is too easy to cheat in already, by copying and pasting code from the comments. So locking the test cases only hurts the people who actually want to figure out what's wrong and correct their own code, by not letting them see the output of their own code.
Also, Sololearn has a bad habit of testing things they haven't taught yet. Hiding a test case that requires untaught knowledge to pass is a super nasty trick.