Need someone to help explain the Dictionary and Dictionary Lesson to me pls
who can help out
2 Respostas
+ 2
Micheal Eyakeno ,
It's hard to answer such a wide open question without writing a lesson on dictionaries, but why would anyone do that when Sololearn already provides that lesson?
Can you ask a more specific question and show some code?
That makes it easier to answer.
Have you read the comments on each page of the lesson? They often supply information missing or unclear in the course materials.
+ 2
If you are having a hard time understanding a concept, you can also try searching the internet for more explanation.
I can recommend Realpython, they have a tutorial for almost any Python topic.
A dictionary is a data structure which contains pairs of data. Each pair is composed from a key and a value. Key must be unique and immutable, for example a string or number. The value can be anything, even a list or another dictionary. It is easy and fast to retrieve a value, if you know the key. That's why it's called a dictionary. It works like a library catalog.