+ 4
[SOLVED] lost almost all courses
I accidentally entered one course, deleted it and it disappeared forever, even in “more courses”. I wanted to check and did the same with all the other courses except the three that I took. Everything is lost. What should I do? translated via google translate, sorry for the mistakes
21 Respostas
+ 8
Сапаров Байкал
For closing discussion, mark it as [Solved] in front of your statement.
Like this :
[SOLVED] Lost almost all courses.
+ 5
That sounds so weird 🤔
How can you delete the course? Can you share with screenshot or recording where you see "course deleting" button?
This is sure a bug and something doesn't seem right here. Please do reach out and report to Sololearn team at info@sololearn.com.
+ 5
OMG!!!!! 😱 Thank you for navigating Rain!
So, that's not bug. This shouldn't be happening for any course. If everyone does that it's downside of this app.
+ 5
Absolutely Rain 💯
+ 4
What you mean by lost all courses? Are you referring to course progress? If yes, you can restart course again.
+ 4
That also happen to me, the solution to bring it back is, go to the other user's profile that has the course you've been wanted but you accidentally remove it. And then click one of his/her courses that you want, and then start a lesson with that course, now you have it on main menu and you can access it
+ 3
Сапаров Байкал ,
That definitely doesn't sound normal.
Deleting a course should remove it from your personal courses list, not from the more courses list. If it had been just one course, I would have guessed that it was one of the discontinued courses, but you said it happened with all courses except 3.
Report the bug by emailing info@sololearn.com or using Feedback in the main menu. And include what way you access Sololearn: website, Android app, iOS app, Color OS app, etc., because each can have its own bugs.
Sololearn doesn't have the resources to read the hundreds (thousands?) of discussion comments, lesson comments, and code comments created each day, so they're unlikely to see this here, but I know from experience they do respond to feedback.
+ 2
I have the same thing happen to me, where I delete a course and it is deleted from the app.
Now, what you need to do is leave the app and go to the sololearn Website instead. Once you get there go to "courses". You just need to click on that, select the course, and it should transfer the course over to the app. Let me know if that doesn't work.
+ 2
D Shah 🎯⏳️ ,
If it's not a bug, it's certainly a design flaw. My intuitive expectation would be that any course I un-enrolled from would still be available for me to enroll in later, not hidden from me.
+ 2
Nuno Guevara
There is a easier alternative.
Log in from the website. You can enroll the "removed" courses from there.
+ 2
Harsh ,
I think 5 actions should be available.
0. There should be no Remove option, because it's unclear exactly what that verb means.
1. View. Display the module and lesson titles of a course without enrolling in it. This one does not exist. Enrolling is currently the only way to look inside.
2. Enroll. Enroll in a course. It currently enrolls you when you click a course. It should require clicking Enroll first.
3. Unenroll. Unenroll from a course and return it to the list of available courses. There should be a safety prompt when you choose this.
4. Hide. Do not show the course title in any list. This should not be available for any currently enrolled course. You should Unenroll first.
5. Unhide. Show the course title again. That implies that there should also be a way to view the list of hidden courses in order to selectively unhide any of them.
+ 1
I mean that in the “my courses” tab there are only 3 courses, and in the “more courses” tab there are none at all, there is nothing there. In theory, if you delete a course it just moves to “more courses”, but in my case it just disappeared
+ 1
Сапаров Байкал ,
Gotcha. Definitely buggy. You should report it.
+ 1
Yes, i now doing it
+ 1
D Shah 🎯⏳️ ,
I can see it in the Android app. It's actually called Remove. You can get to it through either Learn or Profile. Expand all the courses. The top section has your courses that are either in progress or completed. Remove is in the three-dots menu to the right of each. The lower section has all the other courses.
I used Remove one time immediately after I had enrolled in a course only to read its module names. I don't remember what course it was, so I don't know if it also got removed from the lower section in the Android app.
+ 1
ok, I found a solution. can I close this discussion? And How?
+ 1
Сапаров Байкал ,
If your solution was different than the suggested ones, please describe it for the record.
+ 1
Harsh ,
l agree there would be less need for Unenroll with View, but I disagree there would be zero need.
Not the same thing but I've had two instances where I pressed the answer key and all my progress was deleted and I had to start over. I asked about it and I just received a generic answer on what to try to get progress back I did everything it said. The last thing I did was to turn my computer completely off. That worked the first time but not the second time. It makes no sense to me how my progress was retrieved by restarting my computer but it did work the first time so maybe try that.