+ 21

My SL weekness has been found.

... I seem to suck in quizz creation. Got 6 declined today. So far 7 declined, 2 pending, only 1 approved (long time ago). 😢😭 I can kiss those two Creator badges goodbye and the 7K XP that goes with them. Nevermind it just means I need to do 7K challenges more 😃😃😃 better get to it.

18th Apr 2017, 1:26 PM
Nikolay Nachev
Nikolay Nachev - avatar
16 Respostas
+ 24
My own creations got accepted. Upon posting questions which were based off official institute papers, they were rejected. There's quite the weird standard going on here.
18th Apr 2017, 1:33 PM
Hatsy Rei
Hatsy Rei - avatar
+ 23
Whenever I do get something saying... "Decline due to community downvotes"! Me: LOL! *deletes comment and resubmit*
19th Apr 2017, 10:39 PM
Gami - avatar
+ 21
quick! Challenge him while he's depressed!
18th Apr 2017, 2:01 PM
Theprogrammers - avatar
+ 18
I have 12 declines, maybe a new badge?:)
19th Apr 2017, 5:58 PM
‎‏‎‏‎Joe - avatar
+ 17
@TheProgrammers Nikolay is unbeatable. He will still win or draw every match.
18th Apr 2017, 2:07 PM
Cyrus Ornob Corraya
Cyrus Ornob Corraya - avatar
+ 16
Don't worry even a little if the reason is "Declined due to community downvotes".
18th Apr 2017, 3:48 PM
Krishna Teja Yeluripati
Krishna Teja Yeluripati - avatar
+ 14
@Rakshith I already did few days ago...
18th Apr 2017, 5:32 PM
Nikolay Nachev
Nikolay Nachev - avatar
+ 14
The problem is that the quiz machine is heavily saturated with submissions, while people got really picky when it comes to repeating questions. Personally, I downvote all questions like "what does HTML acronym mean", as there are two-three such questions daily on average. Still, I know almost all Python and HTML quizzes by heart and I assume Nikolay knows all of them in all weapons :) So there is a huge need to populate the quiz machine with some fresh new ideas!
18th Apr 2017, 7:51 PM
Kuba Siekierzyński
Kuba Siekierzyński - avatar
+ 14
Nikolay....no weaknesses. At all. Any test or measure is only a reflection of itself in your case.Our hats are off to you.
19th Apr 2017, 5:57 PM
‎‏‎‏‎Joe - avatar
+ 13
@Krishna actually 5 are because of too many similar questions 😉. One of those was a Phyton inspired brainfuck with chained array functions which I'm sure does not exist but nevermind. 7K is about 2 months more. I have tons of patience 😃
18th Apr 2017, 4:08 PM
Nikolay Nachev
Nikolay Nachev - avatar
+ 9
SL declines similar questions but it is wrong in my opinion. When I played challenges actively I knew every answer for every questions and there wasn't even need to read the question or think at all. Then I said it is not programming quiz but a memory game only. IMO it would be better and harder if there were many similar questions with small changes (different variable values for example) so you would think not just remember. It would be even better if quizzes could contain real variables which could change randomly. That is why declining similar questions is a bad strategy.
18th Apr 2017, 9:02 PM
Tamás Barta
Tamás Barta - avatar
+ 8
It might have been better if those 7K XP would have been skipped
18th Apr 2017, 1:28 PM
Siddharth Saraf
+ 7
You all know where really problem is, don't you? There are a ton (plenty) of hard questions that we can inject (at least in Java/C#/Python/JS/PHP... even CSS and SQl if there are were one)... but they are outside (of) the volume of information given by Sololearns courses/tutorials. :-((( There are different ways... One is to make challenges harder than tutorial. But it could frighten every new challenger, so Sololearn developers can be trying to avoid such situation. May be it's a way to enrich/enlarge courses themself? I don't know if it's an option. Somehow I'm a little bit shy... and lazy to write (and email) it to Sololearn. And mostly I'm not sure if they would discuss it with usual user.
18th Apr 2017, 8:10 PM
Andrew Harchenko (Tomsk)
Andrew Harchenko (Tomsk) - avatar
+ 6
@Tamás Barta I partialy agree (at half). But we all are tired of (++x + y--) % 10, am i right? It is boring. (It's boring when we know every answer too ☺) Too easy to have a lot of such questions. Perhaps it would be better to have not 5 but 10 questions to get lower chances of way too easy challenges with 5 basic questions. But I think it's not a choice (hmm... if it would be a choice... between 5 or 15 questions... everyone could change the setting and play quick quizzes if they would like or long quizzes to minimize chances of challengers to get all 5 one by one challenges). Other way is to rate questions too put some hard ones to every battle. :-) But it's not possible now... or just hard to achieve (hmm... some hundreds of questions... but we need knowlegeable people... but there are enough here... but not everyone ready to take part in this...) Update: Oh, only now I see the reason behind those "declined 'cause similar questions exist"! There are a chance that you'll get 5 similar question with small changes. :-) Or they'll have to mark questions again to know if they are similar... it's much harder than mark "how hard it is". But the option to have variables (variative numbers, or even strings!) which could change randomly is nice! You won't get same question twice in one challenge (it's never happens, so there is some marking "question already used" exists, or there is just a randomly generated 'set' of five integers to select questions from the database) but there would be much more variations.
18th Apr 2017, 9:16 PM
Andrew Harchenko (Tomsk)
Andrew Harchenko (Tomsk) - avatar
+ 5
I have 26 declined questions. I have no luck too.
18th Apr 2017, 7:10 PM
Tamás Barta
Tamás Barta - avatar
+ 5
Judging by the questions I've allready seen people will post some really piss poor challenges to get those badges. Pure math questions, simply awfully written code etc. I could swear I've even seen some false ones too :/
19th Apr 2017, 12:34 PM
TransHedgehog - avatar