Is python developer as bad as python intermediate? And are all intermediate courses that bad?
Hello, I would prefer this opinion from people who have either done both or at least are in the middle of python developer. I am near the end of my python intermediate course (2-3 lessons until the end). It is awful, I didn't understand anything and 90% of questions were trick ones. It's not just me, everyone who has done this course agrees. They just introduce stuff and go on their way, at this point I'm just using chatgpt for the degree. And just for me to know in advance. Are all intermediate courses this bad? I mean I'm a loyal sololearner, I have a lot courses to complete here, and I will finish them all, but please tell me on what courses I shouldn't waste my time(and which I should prioritize). That's all, thank you. Edit: So I am very confused right now, because the course I am doing seems to have changed in comparison to one I found online , I'm currently at and it doesn't even resemble my course. The course this youtuber does is way more understandable. Mine has only a few words of explanations while theirs has essays on topics. They seem to have changed the course from 3 months ago. Is there a way for me to do the old course? The "new" one is awful.