+ 1
Guys how do we solve the code of ballpark orders
52 Respostas
+ 4
Raine04 you should start a new post for each different topic. We are now on the third question and are officially off topic.
I'll answer anyway: ordinary round() won't do for the Duct Tape task. You'll have to round up. You can use the ceil() function for that.
+ 5
Jacob Morgunov the op has not yet posted a coding attempt. By posting your full code you bypass the learning process.
+ 4
Link to the Ballpark Orders task
Wilbur Jaywright there is a way to search in the general Code Coach tasks, but not the ones embedded in courses. Go to the Community tab. In the Code Coach section click on VIEW MORE. There you can click on the magnifying glass icon to search for a title.
+ 4
no, this is not your code...
if you are a total beginner, this will be hard at the moment :/
you need to know:
- split
- for loop
- if/else condition
- round
( - dictionary)
+ 4
Jacob Morgunov very true, learning happens also by reading code written by others, and I support that.
It is a sort of litmus test that the community uses to guage sincere help requests, which is to check whether the OP shows evidence of original coding effort.
I'll say no more here, as there is risk we have hijacked the post and gone off topic.
+ 3
Raine04 I am very sorry if I have come across as being rude. It was not the intended spirit of any of my comments. With different backgrounds and cultures it is hard to ensure no one will be offended.
+ 2
yes, and I'm still waiting for that linking code, I have the answer for you :-)
+ 2
Jacob Morgunov If op was going to study by default, he would’ve studied the lessons. There is no old natural human will to ask for “help” with a coding challenge without trying at all oneself (and, as far as we know, op did not try), and then study the answer handed to one without any explanation.
+ 2
Raine04 OP is an acronym for "original poster"
+ 2
Here is where you can learn about the ceil() function in Python:
+ 1
Brian Perhaps, but not necessarily. It depends. By studying the code he can learn as well.
+ 1
Yeah I have not taken lessons but I would make sure to learn and then try 😊
BTW you guys are very straightforward i like that
+ 1
What's op and why are guys addressing me with that?
+ 1
did anyone explain the code? (or just threw it: here it is, this one works?)
from copying the code is hard to learn....
note: `cost * 107/100` is the same as `cost * 1.07`
+ 1
Mihaly Nyilas nope, they did not.
By the way, that’s possibly a good use for an LLM: Have it review answers to see if they are helpful, blackbox, or just spam.
+ 1
Actually i haven't learned about dictionaries yet that's why BTW thanks but I'll try myself people are getting too offended when i ask for help
+ 1
Brain why do you need to be so rude like i know op must not be used for me specifically
+ 1
I don't think anyone here is offended, don't worry :)
+ 1
Hmm got it 👍
+ 1
Guys I was doing this but can't get what is wrong