learning is not sufficient for job opportunities certificates are needed what should I do

Im studying btech 1st year I learnt c language but learning is not sufficient for job opportunities certificates are needed what should I do to get free certificates or certificates with less cost which will be helpful for my future can anyone help me with this

18th Jul 2024, 4:09 PM
1 Resposta
+ 1
KARTHIKEY AKAVARAPU there are literally hundreds of certificate programs on the net... as well as hundreds of academic certificates through colleges and universities via search engines just sign up / enroll. Without a clear understanding of where you plan to be 2 years , 5 years , 10 years or 20 years down the road it is hard to specifically focus on what your journey plans are to narrow what might be best for you. I personally have a wall or two full of certificates and achievements in a diversification of industries from IBM, Microsoft, GE, Google, and many more. Plus a plethora of academic experience...
18th Jul 2024, 10:02 PM
BroFar - avatar