Annoying and Frustrating Code on Every Lesson for the Keywords in the Text!
Hi everybody! SoloLearn is being slow to respond in customer support, so I'm doing it through here now. It's too bad that I can't insert images here. But EVERY single lesson has an issue with the keywords shown in the text of the lessons. For example: "The <b>while </b>loops check for the condition x > 0. If it evaluates to true, it executes the statements within its body. Then it checks for the statement again and repeats." Notice the formatting of the keywords has code in it shown to the end user. In this case "While" loops, and "x > 0" are the keywords. Since they usually show in bold, I guess there's a glitch that is showing all the code behind it for me. I said at first, no big deal. But this is literally every lesson I've done, and it's becoming exhausting as I try to understand the material. It just doesn't make it faster for you to learn as that code keeps distracting me from learning. I hope somebody can shed light on this because I don't see any questions about this topic, so it may perhaps only happen to me. I really hope not! I was about to subscribe to this site until I noticed this. They'd have to review ALL the lessons in order to fix this issue. It's quite uncomfortable. If it's only me, then shame on me and let me know what I can do, but if not, I expect SoloLearn to resolve this problem. Thanks in advance, everyone!