+ 3
Report it here
Just paste the code link and explain why it is innapropiate
+ 3
Mebatsion 2 tell him to change that then or just delete the code
+ 3
Mebatsion 2 you are free to report the code if you think it's not right.
The contents of the code is a popular meme which I illustrated using cowsay as a response to a helpful answer in another thread.
If you're so considerate of reporting in the first place, you wouldn't be in the discuss posting the same thing. It's giving "attention seeking" vibes
+ 2
Mebatsion 2 it's better to simply report the code.
Its a very common internet meme. Theres very little to understand- as it is a reference. They have no explaining to do, you can simply not go through someoens files if you dont like them.