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Why do the lives system exist?
The lives system makes learning slightly more interesting but it defeats the purpose of the website. It also hinders everyone's learning and sometimes removes the fun in learning on this website. Please remove the lives system it is a punishment for mistakes, and mistakes are part of the learning process, aren't they?
3 Respostas
+ 2
They need money
+ 2
Mistakes are a part of the learning process, especially if there's something on the line - like embarrassment in public, or losing some kind of meaningless graphic in an app. Were the hearts to be removed (and there weren't any a few years ago), everyone could aimlessly stumble through all of the courses. Imagine what that does to the value of the certificate - every user has one and not one of them can remember anything.
You can make mistakes, as many as the hearts available and learn in the process. Use the downtime to review the information online, discover other sources - you should never learn something from a single source.
You can also take your time, pay attention and never lose a heart and still learn.
+ 1
They need a lot of money to survive buddy