+ 13
What is your tip for Sololearn beginner? How to quickly get to lvl5, >> lvl10, >> lvl15?
2 Respostas
+ 5
Don't hope exp then you will feel that it was so fast
(It's true. You can dislike)
+ 3
hmm.... as a beginner i would do challenges with people of higher level. you get more points winning against them than losing.
once you are of higher level it's harder to find an opponent where you can get easily 32 points. usually when you are level 10 or so you only get 1 point or draws. and the rest are declining your challenge. lol
but as long as you are a beginner there are plenty of users where you can get more than 1 points from.
and if you do challenges, choose one (easy) weapon, e.g. html. and stick to it. because you get badges, if you win resp. complete 10, 50, 200, etc. challenges. the longer you stick to a weapon, the faster you can obtain these badges. and for every badge, you get lots of points. this helps you getting to higher levels.
also do the course and complete them. and participate in the forum and publish codes. good luck.