How is it possible to store incoming String data from a File into a 2D Array, by means of storing the initial incoming data into
Current steps of project: File f = new File (file path); FileReader r = new FileReader(f); BufferReader b = new BufferReader(r); // split lines from .txt & load into ArrayList String currentLine; while ( (currentLine = b.readLine() != null ) AL.add(currentLine); r.close(); b.close(); for (String s: AL); // This prints each line from txt file to screen just fine Problem: I need to parse and transfer String data from AL or [] (tried both ways) into String[][]; I can parse successfully and get it loaded to the 2D array, however all I can get it to print is the Memory Cell Addresses??? No matter what type of Scanner/Reader I use or initial String holder that is receiving the incoming data from the text file, after moving it to the [][], it will only print the memory cell addresses?? I get that Strings are references and point, but there has to be a way to pull the String Literal from the text file? Plus if they are pointing to raw data, should the String Literal of what it's pointing to print to the Screen?