+ 2

How to Retrieve Some Field Data from Two Different Tables and then Store it in Array?

Please help me.. give me example of code. I am using PHP and mysql database.

24th Apr 2017, 10:39 PM
Biobii - avatar
4 Respostas
+ 2
Well, you can use mysqli, it supports procedural style. But object oriented is more convenient. Also, i did mistake in previous example, its should be $DB->query($query), not $DB->query($q), sorry, it's my habit of coding. :) //mysqli example: //set up connection to database $conn = mysqli_connect("your_host", "your_db_username", "your_db_password", "your_db_name"); mysqli_set_charset($conn, 'utf8'); mysqli_query($conn, "SET NAMES utf8"); //your query string $query = "SELECT * FROM table1, table2"; //execute query $qResult = mysqli_query($conn, $query); //fetch data to array while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qResult)) { $resultArray[] = $row; }; //print data dump on screen var_dump($resultArray);
24th Apr 2017, 11:20 PM
Jeth - avatar
+ 3
//Example using PDO connection: $DBhost = "your_host"; $DBname = "your_db_name"; $DBusername = "your_db_username"; $DBpassword = "your_db_password"; //set up connection to database $DB = new PDO("mysql:host=$DBhost;dbname=$DBname;charset=utf8", $DBusername, $DBpassword, array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES utf8")); //your query string $query = "SELECT * FROM table1, table2"; //execute query $qResult = $DB->query($q); //fetch data to array $resultArray = $qResult->fetchAll(); //print data dump on screen var_dump($resultArray);
24th Apr 2017, 10:59 PM
Jeth - avatar
+ 2
Thank you Jeth for your answer. Umm.. I am using procedural code. But thank you.. I'll try it!
24th Apr 2017, 11:01 PM
Biobii - avatar
+ 1
thats GREAT!! Thank you very much, Jeth! :)
24th Apr 2017, 11:24 PM
Biobii - avatar