How can you create a Fibonacci sequence using Python?
3 Respostas
+ 2
Probably not the best way, it was the first thing that came into my mind, but if you just want it to print on screen the numbers:
x = 0
y = 1
max_number = 100
while y < max_number:
y = x + y
x = x + y
Basically you store in memory two numbers, sum each with the other and print them, until the highest is bigger than a limit you specified (max_number). Note that the last numbers will be higher than max_number.
+ 1
Also, some people like recursive functions (I don't):
def fibonacci( nth) :
if nth < 2:
return nth
return fibonacci( nth - 1) + fibonacci(nth - 2)
This code returns the nth number in the fib sequence. If you want to print all of them you do the same as the other examples
m = 1
Max = 100
while m < max:
print( fibonacci(m) )
I'm testing it now and it becomes slow af after a while
Another possibility is to store all the Fibonacci values into an array and add a new one based on the last two.
arr = [1,1]
max_length = 100
while len(arr) < max_length:
arr.append( arr[len(arr) - 1] + arr[len(arr) - 2] )
for number in arr:
Which may be harder to read, but follows the same principle. These are just two simple ideas, I'm sure there are better ways depending on the situation.