+ 5
Should Challenges Have Explainations/Comments
I recently started using the SoloLearn challenge feature to further my knowledge and I am in love, but when I get one wrong I have no way to check why, as in ask others for input other than here. The correct answer is given upon completion, but no explaination as to why. This may be a duplicate subject, but why isn't there a comment section to view when you are viewing correct answers? Would anyone else use this?
6 Respostas
+ 20
👍This feature would be a good addition.📝 It would definatly help with comprehension of why their answer is correct.🤔 Until then I just have to google the questions I get wrong if I don't understand why.
+ 6
Yes. Some questions are ridiculous and some questions are wrong.
+ 6
would be cool. maybe make it more convienent to contact the guy who wrote the questions, or make explanations required on all the high rated questions.
a button to report questions for being too hard would also be a hilarious way of asking content creators to write retroactive explanations.
I think part of the problem now is the size of the question pool, and if they gave answers out to everything people would just memorize more and not go plug stuff to Google and actually learn.
im not sure anything is broken with the system. its fine. it's easy to be commander after the battle..
+ 4
I mean, it is a challenge in itself to try and figure out why you got the answer wrong, but you can not learn if you don't understand.
+ 2
yeah ikr wish they had that feature
+ 2
yes its really required that solo learn provide explanation for correct answers..