+ 1

Help,my friend said the link wont work. I made it up,is that the reason? What do you think abt the code? Thank you!

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><i> Hello, Sign Up👇🏿 <html> <head> <body><ol> <li>First Name<input type="textname"="username"/ }><br /> <li> Last Name <input type="textname"="username"/><html/> <li><input type="checkbox"name="gender"value="1"/>male<br/> <input type="checkbox"name="gender"value="2"/>female<br/> <li>Form your password with six numbers<form><input type=text name="password"/><br/> <!DOCTYPE html><head> <body><i><li>Repeat your password<form> <input type="password"=name="password"/><br/> <!DOCTYPE html> <p> <b>Pick Two colors on the U.S flag.This to make sure you are not a Robot! <ol><i>Red</li><input type="checkbox"name=value="1"/<br ol><i>Yellow</li><input type="checkbox"name=value="2"/<br/ol><i>Green<input type="checkbox"name=value="3"/<br /ol><i>Blue<input type="checkbox"name=value="4"/<br /> <DOCTYPE html> <body><p> <input type="submit"value="submit"/ ><i>Thank You <a href>http://www.checkregistrationstatus.com></a> <b>

3rd May 2017, 4:16 AM
David SoulChild Dodriguez
David SoulChild Dodriguez - avatar
12 Respostas
3rd May 2017, 4:19 AM
Valen.H. ~
Valen.H. ~ - avatar
+ 10
she means you have written the wrong syntax for the tag <a> It is like this <a href="link">some text</a>
5th May 2017, 2:02 PM
Rohit - avatar
+ 10
Do u forgot to make the best answer as best
5th May 2017, 2:10 PM
Rohit - avatar
+ 10
Your problem had got solved then why didn't u mark the best answer as best... If you can't see a tick sign on answers then you should update you app to latest version
5th May 2017, 2:42 PM
Rohit - avatar
+ 10
the answer which is mark as best will be at the top so everyone should know which answer helped you which is the solution for your question
5th May 2017, 2:45 PM
Rohit - avatar
+ 6
the given link is not opening
3rd May 2017, 5:39 AM
Siddharth Saraf
+ 5
Syntax - <a href=link>Text to click </a> In this case your link is( http://www.checkregistrationstatus.com) . And the (Text to click) is the text which you click to go to that link , lets consider you want the text (Status) to be clicked to go to that link . Your a = .°. <a href=http://www.checkregistrationstatus.com>Status</a> It will only show the text Status in blue and underlined and when you click it it will open http://www.checkregistrationstatus.com
3rd May 2017, 7:21 AM
Utkαrsh - avatar
+ 1
I dont understand @ValentinHacker
3rd May 2017, 4:23 AM
David SoulChild Dodriguez
David SoulChild Dodriguez - avatar
Thank you @mod 807 i already fixed it.
5th May 2017, 2:09 PM
David SoulChild Dodriguez
David SoulChild Dodriguez - avatar
@ mod807 what are you trying to say?
5th May 2017, 2:39 PM
David SoulChild Dodriguez
David SoulChild Dodriguez - avatar
Oh ok, i jst dd put a tick i guess
5th May 2017, 2:43 PM
David SoulChild Dodriguez
David SoulChild Dodriguez - avatar
Don't you see the one with 24 👍🏿? Then the one with 11👍🏿?
5th May 2017, 2:48 PM
David SoulChild Dodriguez
David SoulChild Dodriguez - avatar