+ 4

Do you think newbies are asking the wrong questions when it comes to how to learn programming?

When I say newbies, I mean those who haven't grasps the basics in programming. I'm not saying they are asking the grammatically wrong question. No, I'm saying newbies are asking question whose answer will not help them progress in the right direction. For example questions like these: - What is the best language? - Which language will be in demand 5 years from now? - What is the best IDE? - ...and so on. The answer to what the best IDE or language is or what language will be in demand 5 years from now (even if there is a correct answer to it), is irrelevant for people who don't even know what a loop is. Therefore my advice to beginners learn the basics of programming first. Understand what a loop, an array is. Know the difference between a constant and a variable. Once you understand this, you will realize that you don't need the answer to the questions above anymore. Not because you can answer these questions yourself (actually no one can), but because these questions will be irrelevant for you. (I know it because I have been there myself):)

3rd May 2017, 11:21 AM
Thanh Le
Thanh Le - avatar
6 Respostas
+ 5
Generally speaking, asking how to learn is taking time to your learning.
3rd May 2017, 11:24 AM
seamiki - avatar
+ 4
exactly , @seamiki they should just do it.
3rd May 2017, 11:27 AM
Thanh Le
Thanh Le - avatar
+ 3
If someone don't known what a loop is, probably don't make the question here, because don't known how to ask, even why to ask. Making "irrelevant" questions also is a way to aproach to programming
3rd May 2017, 11:49 AM
⏩▶Clau◀⏪ - avatar
+ 2
I didn't say they are asking dumb questions. I'm saying they are asking the wrong questions - questions whose answer won't help them progressing as a programmer. @shobhit
3rd May 2017, 4:08 PM
Thanh Le
Thanh Le - avatar
there are no dumb questions. but yeah there are some who ask questions which are not at all related to programming.
3rd May 2017, 3:59 PM
shobhit - avatar
yeah i know that i have just said that generally.
3rd May 2017, 4:11 PM
shobhit - avatar