Define a function that takes a dictionary as an argument and returns the same dictionary but with different values
Defining a function that takes a dictionary as an argument.
3 Respostas
+ 5
# define your tax var as global to avoid compute them each time you call the function
taxblock_1 = (1000 - 0) * 0.00
taxblock_2 = (10000 - 1000) * 0.10
taxblock_3 = (20200 - 10000) * 0.15
taxblock_4 = (30750 - 20200) * 0.20
taxblock_5 = (50000 - 30750) * 0.25
def calculate_tax(dict):
result = {} # a new dict to be returned as result
# make a loop over the dict key,value pair
for key, value in dict.items(): # iteritems() in Python2
if value < 1001: # more efficient than "in range(0, 1001)"
result[key] = (value) * 0.00
# you can also test "1000 < value < 10001", but with 'elif' you already know that value is > 1000 because it's not < 10001
elif value < 10001: # in range(1001, 10001):
result[key] = ((value - 1000) * 0.10) + taxblock_1
elif value < 20201: # in range(10001, 20201):
result[key] = ((value - 10000) * 0.15) + taxblock_2 + taxblock_1
elif value < 30751: # in range(20201, 30751):
result[key] = ((value - 20200) * 0.20) + taxblock_3 + taxblock_2 + taxblock_1
elif value < 50001: # in range(30751, 50001):
result[key] = ((value - 30750) * 0.25) + taxblock_4 + taxblock_3 + taxblock_2 + taxblock_1
else: # "elif value > 50000" is unnecessary :P
result[key] = ((value - 50000) * 0.30) + taxblock_5 + taxblock_4 + taxblock_3 + taxblock_2 + taxblock_1
return result
d = { 'test': 3476, 'attempt':42, 'last':42005 }
+ 4
You didn't specify what the function has to do and how it is to alter the dictionary values, so here, take a look at a function dividing the values by 2:
def diff_dict(d):
for i in d.keys():
d[i] //= 2
return d
sample_dict = {1: 4, 2: 8, 3: 12, 4: 16}
{1: 2, 2: 4, 3: 6, 4: 8}
The question box doesn't allow for more than 128 characters, otherwise I'd have posted the question properly but here it goes:
Define a Python function that takes as an argument, a dictionary containing key-value pairs of people's names as the keys and their yearly incomes as the values
The function should return a dictionary containing key-value pairs of the same people's names and their yearly tax bill as the values.
Here's a function I defined that only takes a value and calculates the tax bill to be charged:
def calculate_tax(dict):
taxblock_1 = (1000 - 0) * 0.00
taxblock_2 = (10000 - 1000) * 0.10
taxblock_3 = (20200 - 10000) * 0.15
taxblock_4 = (30750 - 20200) * 0.20
taxblock_5 = (50000 - 30750) * 0.25
if i in range(0, 1001):
result_1 = (dict) * 0.00
return result_1
elif i in range(1001, 10001):
result_2 = ((dict - 1000) * 0.10) + taxblock_1
return result_2
elif i in range(10001, 20201):
result_3 = ((dict - 10000) * 0.15) + taxblock_2 + taxblock_1
return result_3
elif i in range(20201, 30751):
result_4 = ((dict - 20200) * 0.20) + taxblock_3 + taxblock_2 + taxblock_1
return result_4
elif i in range(30751, 50001):
result_5 = ((dict - 30750) * 0.25) + taxblock_4 + taxblock_3 + taxblock_2 + taxblock_1
return result_5
elif i > 50000:
result_6 = ((dict - 50000) * 0.30) + taxblock_5 + taxblock_4 + taxblock_3 + taxblock_2 + taxblock_1
return result_6