+ 124

Plagiarism vs The Hive Mentality

When I think of the amount of examples I had to go through in life before I would just sit down, and write in Python some simple "paragraphs" that turn into programs, I'm thankful for the amount of open source coders out there writing random code for review. I've seen the comments lately about people's code being copied, and usually coders are supposed to morph/fork the project. So, I would like to know where people stand on using the collective "hive" mentality for their own benefit, and how they use it.

17th May 2017, 8:27 AM
David Hutto
David Hutto - avatar
112 Respostas
+ 213
Take all my codes, copy it freely (no charge), modify, adapt and build on top of it. I wrote my codes learning on other people's work, too. If my code is heavily impacted by someone, I give her or him a credit and expect the same in my case. So don't feel ashamed to start from copying somebody else. Just don't copy and say it's you who made it. Or else :)
17th May 2017, 2:25 PM
Kuba Siekierzyński
Kuba Siekierzyński - avatar
+ 178
Knowledge shared : is knowledge gained. The ability to Innovate, is what sets you apart! Open-source : anytime! No need to re-invent the wheel!
17th May 2017, 3:27 PM
<^>washika D<^>
<^>washika D<^> - avatar
+ 77
Simple 1. Developer : learn someone code and write back from scratch with improvement 2. Borrower : if someone copy code and give credit to original source or not claiming it as his/her idea. 3. Script Kiddies : just use it, never claim or giving credit. not even understand how the code work. 4. Thief : copy it, remove any information about original source, claiming as his/her idea and beg for upvote.
17th May 2017, 2:34 PM
Setiawan Next
Setiawan Next - avatar
+ 43
Indeed. I copy codes (well retype) I find on the internet from various tutorial sites here. I always try to include references to where I found it. Also when typing out said example I tend to look up anything I dont understand and include links to where I saw that information. It not only helps me but I hope anyone else that looks at said examples here. Hopefully they follow the links and read through the source material for themselves. Without the internet and people who create these sample codes I dont know where I would be!
17th May 2017, 8:54 AM
jay - avatar
+ 38
I agree with Kuba, I think that the open source movement has grown to such an extent that the hive mind is almost unstoppable. People expect credit but don't nessesarily demand it. Referencing your sources says more about you as a person than it says about you as a coder.
17th May 2017, 2:30 PM
Gerhard Kach
Gerhard Kach - avatar
+ 28
I like to think of the internet as a wealth of knowledge. Like a "honeycomb" of snippets, and libraries(who wants to write a function again for the arctan in trig?). But you can't be a script kiddie, and it's important to thoroughly understand the difference that some code performs a function on data, which might be more readily copied, and used, rather than someone's creative artwork(not that some wouldn't say they're both "artwork" in progress). So I agree with the hive, as long as you give credit where it's due, and appropriately adapt code to your work, and make it your own.
17th May 2017, 8:39 AM
David Hutto
David Hutto - avatar
+ 26
I actually feel good when someone copies my code that my code is good enough to be copied . I don't think people should get angry when people copy their codes , here codes are made open - source for that purpose only . Some people copy only to get likes , but those are the people who will get nowhere in life . Stop caring so much about plagiarism , learn and help others , we are not making war software here , let others copy .
17th May 2017, 4:09 PM
Utkαrsh - avatar
+ 19
I started copying hello world example. after I edited it, tweked it to adapt it to my needs. I think I did the same for every programming concept/library I know and I used. If I come across something inspiring that actually helped me, I include the credit to its author/source so that anyone going through my code is pointed in the right direction and can find the same inspiring/helpful resources I used. Whenever someone makes tools or knowledge freely available crediting is the minimum you can do...
17th May 2017, 10:54 AM
seamiki - avatar
+ 17
Good programmers copy ; great programmers steal. inspired by Picasso and agreed by the great Steve Jobs : Good artist copy ; great artist steal.
18th May 2017, 6:05 AM
NimWing Yuan
NimWing Yuan - avatar
+ 16
maybe give credit at the least, you know if youre going to borrow something without asking permission. doesn't matter if it's a wiki blog or sololearn code you're posting, both kinds educational resources.. either paraphrase their work and make it less obvious or just be lazy and give credit where it's due. no different than an academic paper. even if no one catches you, are you really gonna feel accomplished that way?
17th May 2017, 2:34 PM
Shane - avatar
+ 16
Give credit where it's due that's it.
17th May 2017, 4:45 PM
Sello Selby Bopape
Sello Selby Bopape - avatar
+ 16
No body can learn coding without help, this is very creative field and everyone have something that others don't and vice-versa. Nobody is perfect in this coding world. This is all about sharing, learning, copying and modifying using your creativity. If we share our code, we get ideas of improvements also. Sharing is Caring.
17th May 2017, 5:59 PM
Pravin Pandey
Pravin Pandey - avatar
+ 16
You can not take someone else's code, and tell it me. This is not good . But if you transform do better is another matter. After all, we use the idea. Groups operated better.
17th May 2017, 6:48 PM
Igor - avatar
+ 15
@Siddharth And That Research Also Called Copying
17th May 2017, 5:09 PM
Kailash Loncha
Kailash Loncha - avatar
+ 14
It seems some people don't understand the difference between posting a code and Open-Source. Hope this helps :) Open-source software (OSS) definition (wikipedia) "is computer software with its source code made available with a license in which the copyright holder provides the rights to study, change, and distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose." SoloLearn Guidelines "You retain ownership of and responsibility for the content you create, including, but not limited to, codes, posts, quizzes, and lessons. You also allow us certain rights that enable us to display and share your posted content. You retain control over your content, and you are responsible for it. The rights you grant to us are limited to those needed to provide the service. We have the right to remove content or close accounts, if necessary. If you're posting anything you did not create yourself, you agree that you will only submit content that you have the right to post, and you will fully comply with any third-party licenses relating to content you post." In short SoloLearn Codes from Members != Open-Source* (you must give credit) *Unless the creator says otherwise. Edit: Other sites might have different rules however
17th May 2017, 4:59 PM
Pedro Cruz
Pedro Cruz - avatar
+ 13
for me it's a good to the public your codes I think someone will use the code in away that I wnated maybe my code will be developed but the developed code is my code in that time the one who cam make a greet code me because I have the basement of my code so here "codes will be developed and becoming useful codes by public and the coder "
17th May 2017, 2:42 PM
mohammed al-sarem
mohammed al-sarem - avatar
+ 13
Learning from others is not only OK but also necessary. Taking credit for others' work is not! By transfering information and knowledge directly or indirectly, we create a synergy that helps achieve more than we could being on our own. We all are a big community, no matter if we know each other or not. This community is like a live organism, so we need to keep the blood (knowledge/information) circulating through the whole body to assure it stays healthy.
17th May 2017, 4:02 PM
Hakob Baghdasaryan
Hakob Baghdasaryan - avatar
+ 13
Quote Copying from a single source is called COPYING but Copying from MULTIPLE SOURCES is called RESEARCH. I hope this might help in the progression of this thread
17th May 2017, 4:41 PM
Siddharth Saraf
+ 13
18th May 2017, 11:33 AM
Ishwarya Manikandan
Ishwarya Manikandan - avatar
+ 12
I think that all software should come with its copyrighted source code. This would motivate innovation because developers would learn from each other. The copyrights would prevent anyone from stealing someone else's code. Besides, humans are really individualistic and not in a hive collective mindset...so stealing someone's else code is more individualistic than a hive mentality.
18th May 2017, 2:09 PM
Karl T.
Karl T. - avatar