+ 3
While casting how does converting from double to integer rounds off to lower value?
Eg: 1.5 should round off to 2 and 2.65 should be rounded off to 3 Making the sum to be 5(2+3) but the int(x) and int(y) takes only 1+2 giving a sum 3. Can someone explain me how?
2 Respostas
+ 8
using (int)x will return the integer part of x without the fraction part, i.e the the first integer < x.
if you want to get the first integer > x
you must use Math.ceil(x).
the below example show the difference between casting (int)x and the use of Math.ceil(x):
double x = 1.3;
int y, z;
y = (int)x;
z = (int)Math.ceil(x);
// out put will be
// y = 1
// z = 2
+ 5
you can use built in function math.round(double) to convert 1.5 to 2 and then sum it