+ 3
How to prevent from wannacry ransomware????
wannacry ransomware
11 Respostas
+ 9
This ransomware is only attacking windows xp
so if u are using it upgrade to a newer version like 7,8 or 10.
Purchase and install an original antivirus
And beware of fake emails etc....
And if u have been attacked,then download patch made by Microsoft.( Google it and you will find)......
+ 9
Hi jakub ....
Today I read reports released by kapersky and BitSight .....
Acc. to kapersky,98% of affected computers were using Windows 7
and Acc. to BitSight, 67% were using Windows 7
I am not sure of validity of these reports but as I read so I thought I should write about it......
+ 7
As I read in some news it is attacking mostly windows xp
may be also some early versions of 7 ...
I don't know about that
+ 5
yes that is a good precaution
+ 3
Just take care of suspicious emails you recieve. Do not download any files from them. Also watchout for websites that aren't trustworthy. Turn on your antivirus and firewall. This should maximize your chances to not meet the virus. :)
+ 2
Already a lot of loss has happened to the world because of this. I also want to know the answer.
+ 2
Ya @ramanpreet is right
+ 2
Ya @jakub
+ 2
I am not sure if it is only attacking Windows XP. It attacks other systems aswell but thanks to exploit in XP (and some early versions of 7) it can spread more rapidly.
+ 2
backup your important files (you should do this anyway!) and don't worry about it
Firewall & Antivirus brands that launched new ransomware add-ons (you've got few). If referring to large network such as of an enterprise, definitely a cyber solution like Cyberbit's, which does detection using AI.