What is the purpose of programming?👔🎓
4 Respostas
+ 5
Your question is very simple to answer. Without programming, a computer would be simply a DUMB USELESS ENTITY OR THING. Look at the whole picture as you look at a child but with a slight difference. When a child gets born, it is a DUMB CREATURE too, but with some HUMAN INSTINCTS. A computer is just DUMB and USELESS, until it gets its VERY NEEDED INSTRUCTIONS and KNOWLEDGE by means of software PROGRAMMING. Put it simply : "No one is smart without knowledge" and "No one does anything unless instructed to do so." Yes I know some of you would say I do things without being told to do so, but those are merely INSTINCTIVELY DIRECTED...
It occurred to me that I forgot to mention one major thing...!
Everyone or most of you encountered or know people who did encounter the issue if problems with banks ir other entities that employ a lot of computers to go through the heap of data. Once in a while something goes seriously wrong and if you inform what happened and when they going to fix it, 98% gets an answer like :
The computer made a mistake, we will correct it a.s.a.p.
Comm'on guy's and girls, the computer can only make a mistake when it has a flaw in his software. That's not even the computers fault but the programmer's fault.
Most of the time it is based on a human error while inputting information that needs to be processed by the computer so even then it is a human error and not the computers fault.
What I want to say us that a COMPUTER IS ALWAYS RIGHT AND MAKES NO MISTAKES. remember this, just be honest !!!
+ 2
well, I really don't have a straight forward answer!
But I don't know if you get this, but:
"When am programming, I feel more like myself, than when I do anything else!" 😅
+ 1
To solve problems and make the world a better place.
To make everything connected and easy to use