Q.. Using loops. Write a program that output to message box the following shape
the shape is. @@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@ @ Hi every one i am very excited to join this wow community if anyone can help me out here with my java loop problem. I will appreciate that Thanks
6 Respostas
+ 1
What have you tried and what didn't work?
+ 1
I would suggest you show us the code so we can see how we can help
i need code that output that shape above using loop..any kind of loops..
will provide you c++ code for that not java
for( int y=4;y>=1;y--)
for ( int x=0; x<5-y;x++)
System.out.println( " " );
for (int x=(2-y);x<(2-y)+(2*y-1);x++)
thats the answer i was looking for guys i solved it and it works try it if you want