If audio isn't loaded can you make it so the site doesn't show?
How can you make it so the audio must be loaded before the site actually shows?
4 Respostas
you mean run automatically?
I meant to say if it isn't running (which is automatic) how can you make it so your page doesn't load.
yes.. we can also hide the icon of the audio button in html5
using OOP techniques and a boolean,
I use HTML5 in ASP.NET building websites, it may differs than pure stand alone HTML5 but its all same principles, so for me I'd do this..
have a boolean if the audio is supported by the browser, and use a conditional sentence is the boolean !=false {
page run ......
the page run codes here....
so if there was no audio supported to be read by the browser, the compiler will jump over the page load
p.s: "page load" is the scope where what happen once the current page is being open.
another way, in the page load, I can put the boolean here, and if its false, direct me to another page, or simple show a message says no audio and a nav menu to go somewhere else