+ 16

What are the key basic things to consider when developing a basic interactive AI system similar to Jarvis

Building an AI system for fun

6th Jun 2017, 7:13 AM
Innocent WK Chinyemba
Innocent WK Chinyemba - avatar
6 Respostas
+ 12
So what you want is a chatbot. Developing a basic bot is pretty simple. You can deploy them to IRC, Telegram or Slack, for example. I've created bots with Hubot (https://hubot.github.com/docs/), Github's own bot framework. The scripts are commonly written in CoffeeScript or JavaScript, but there are a a lot of other choices available based on your language of choice.
6th Jun 2017, 7:32 AM
Taija - avatar
+ 15
@Taija, could you please guide me with more info about developing bots? 😊 I would like to make one for a Facebook business page 😊 Thanks in advance! And great question @Innocent ☺👌
6th Jun 2017, 11:08 PM
Pao - avatar
+ 10
Thanks @Taija, that's exactly what I was looking for
10th Jun 2017, 7:29 AM
Innocent WK Chinyemba
Innocent WK Chinyemba - avatar
+ 10
Will definitely check it out @James
10th Jun 2017, 7:30 AM
Innocent WK Chinyemba
Innocent WK Chinyemba - avatar
.@юююю...ю юээюю.ю ....б хююююююю.юююююю@ююююююююююююююю....й.ю
3rd Jul 2017, 4:18 PM
.@юююю...ю юээюю.ю ....б хююююююю.юююююю@ююююююююююююююю....й.ю
3rd Jul 2017, 4:18 PM