+ 15

Is it a joke? Are you kiddin' me? Superhypermegaeasy questions?

Is it ok to have such kind of questions? For an example just met this one in PHP: Fill in the blanks to output 226 echo ___; Is it a question at all? :-) Should we be happy with questions like "put 12 in blanks: __". Or "how much is 2*2"? Don't those q undermine the value of challenges at least when in one challenge we can get two similar question or 5 not hard enough questions? [And doesn't it (again) provoke those who are trying to achieve Epic (luck) badge (not to learn but to find shortcuts to it)?]

8th Jun 2017, 11:15 PM
Andrew Harchenko (Tomsk)
Andrew Harchenko (Tomsk) - avatar
8 Respostas
+ 11
Something like that IMO should be removed. I think the only way around it is to review quiz submissions and down-vote all the bad questions. I'd have to agree, those don't really promote learning no matter how new you are to programming.
9th Jun 2017, 12:05 AM
Rrestoring faith
Rrestoring faith - avatar
+ 7
Even a 2nd Grade student can answer these. Yes, you are right, this really undermines the value of challenges.
9th Jun 2017, 4:07 AM
Harsh - avatar
+ 6
You don't even need to know programming to answer that, you just need common sense.
9th Jun 2017, 2:42 AM
Xander A.
Xander A. - avatar
+ 6
Epic badge is really a luck badge. They should not count draw matches for it
9th Jun 2017, 3:08 AM
Vaibhav Sharma
Vaibhav Sharma - avatar
+ 5
What should sololearners say to those who is after finishing sololearns course(s) still at such low level that he needs to check if he is able to write a three digit(s) number into a blank space for three symbols?? 😮
11th Jun 2017, 12:24 AM
Andrew Harchenko (Tomsk)
Andrew Harchenko (Tomsk) - avatar
+ 3
@thomo I'm sorry, but can you clarify a litle bit? What math are you talking about? "To fill the blanks with 226"? Or are you criticizing (castigating) other questions?
10th Jun 2017, 9:21 AM
Andrew Harchenko (Tomsk)
Andrew Harchenko (Tomsk) - avatar
lol the aim is not to do math but understand the basics of a new language(machine language) imagine having to solve vectors/graphs while worrying about the format to be used to output it on a computer..please
10th Jun 2017, 2:59 AM
thomo - avatar
neh I'm not castigating anything I'm stating that the code we learn here and there (wherever field possible) are super basics they're like teaching you french for the first time in your life; in french you'll start with concepts of very low level and build on it
10th Jun 2017, 11:12 PM
thomo - avatar