+ 3
Where can i learn how to code like a professional programers ?
recently we can learn anything in the internet . tutorials are everywhere . but the problem is that most of the tutorials explain how to do or how to build a single thing. is there a website or a platform where can i learn how to work as professional programmers ? build a whole project .
3 Respostas
+ 6
@zakaria kasmi You can search for "bootcamps" ("free code bootcamp" for example if you are interested only in free resources), and also try to choose some "pet projects" and find tutorials fot those. There are some courses that are not free but they are intended for walking you through some developers "roadmap". (Check for example Udemy, Udacity, not sure about Lynda.com, Treehouse, ed-x or edu-x or ed-ex... sorry, forgot last one ☺)
+ 6
none. if you can build a single thing one by one, you can create the whole thing. do it yourself, man.
+ 2
According to me, the best way to approach anything professionally is to read, understand and recreate source codes of professional programs.
For this, you can try to read codes of many open source programs in the language you want to learn. Also, you can find many professional codes of university projects on GitHub repositories.
Try by typing something like 'c++ code for media player github' on Google.