+ 2
I m new here.plz help me out to learn programming
14 Respostas
+ 5
HMMmmmmmm . According To Me You Should Take your start with HTML Basics. But Leave it If You Wanna learn c++. Aab In c++ there are if, else and else-if statement and if statement is used for the first case like
for example you had built a yes no dialog box then you want that
if user click on yes then what will happen
and if he will click on no then what will happen then
there you have to use the if and else statement where" if " will be for the first case and "else" For The next case.
+ 10
The if else executes the codes inside the body of if statement if the test expression is true and skips the codes inside the body of else.
If the test expression is false, it executes the codes inside the body of elsestatement and skips the codes inside the body of if.
e.g. if statement is true
if (a < 10)
// this code Will execute.. because condition is true
else {
// this code will execute if condition is false.
+ 5
ya there is no course on c in sololearn . but for learning basics of c you can go to easytuts4you channel on YouTube .that is good for basics.
+ 1
If you have a problem anywhere just post it. you will surely get an answer
+ 1
you can start from "C" it is programing based language after that it will easer for you to learn c++
+ 1
actually I m going to Persue btech in cse so I m learning basics..
+ 1
In btech first year you have c language. but if u have some knowledge about any programming language like java or c++ it would be difficult to understand c
+ 1
see java is little hard than c++ but semlarity between both are equal the only difference there were more codes you have to write in java .
so if you learn java you can easily do any kind of programming. if I say clearly different software have different codes, so only you have to learn the codes of different software like (c++) author ways every thing is same .
if else statement is similar to your way of choosing dresses.. either this one or that one.. but not both at the same time..
but it can be the matching shoes along with it..
no worry you can just get it into play store it is written as "C#" I hope you got that.
I want to know that do you like programing if yes why do you like .
believe me muskan if you learn "C" first it will easer to understand any type of computer language
- 1
but in sololearn c program is not present..