+ 14
Comment the bad trends going on sololearn
1.Hacking the web like Facebook hacking 2.Copying other's codes
27 Respostas
+ 20
3) Multi-account abuse.
4) Spam unanswerable threads on Q&A.
5) Submit flawed quizzes in Quiz Factory.
6) Asking about <span></span> and ++i, i++ without prior searching.
7) People trying to get Self-Learner badge by doing lol shet.
8) People marking wrong answers as Best Answer.
9) People removing Best Answer mark after few days for no apparent reason.
+ 16
Limitless is probably referring to someone who asked about which language among the stated three is the best - A question a tad too common on SL.
In all seriousness though, would it be better to remove all off-topic, inappropriate, badly-structured threads/posts, or to go soft with users since most of us are beginners? If we were to choose the latter option, what would be the use of promoting good practices in terms of using the app - if we are tolerating it in the first place?
Should we be removing highly-rated off-topic threads, or should we allow them? If we choose the latter, is it just because those threads are highly-rated? Are there benefits to allow certain off-topic posts to exist? If yes, how should we draw the line between what should be allowed and what not?
+ 15
@Limitless I think that's a great suggestion. To group threads into their specific 'containers' in a forum instead of a single partition of Discuss Section. I'm not sure if somebody already provided this feedback to SL, because this is surely worthy for a feedback submission.
+ 13
The baddest trend is increasing number of Congratulations post
+ 12
You know this question is also a piece of spam.And someone is asking for help and you tell him/her that it's a bad trend...If this thread would be a programming related question on some particular topic,your point would be valid
For this thread I will just "One more irrelevant piece of spam for chatting".. That's all
Thank you .Wanna Down vote? Doesn't matter me !Keep on
Nikhil ^^
+ 8
10) Non-Coding Related Question 😌 like Job Hunting
11) Question which are covered in FAQ Like "Which language should I learn first ?"
+ 8
Actually @Nikhil Definition of spam: irrelevant or unsolicited messages sent over the Internet, typically to a large number of users, for the purposes of advertising, phishing, spreading malware, etc. (noun)
+ 7
I think a filter should be added.
Different types of questions for different "tabs"
Maybe something like "Intermediate" "Skilled" "Questions" "Off Topic" "Most Recent"
The reason is so that people can go to recents and vote where a question should be. Only after 5 votes will a question be moved and people who's up for a challange can go to the sections and try help them.
It sounds stupid but I'd love a function like that.
+ 7
You can say it irrelevant don't say spam
+ 6
O I got it
+ 6
Another one
Suggest good sites😂
+ 4
1) Threads whining about other threads / people
+ 4
Spamming codes and questions on all threads, which are completely unrelated
But the thing about that that bugs me most is that people will massively downvote beginners for doing that, but goldies will still get 5+ upvotes...
Like... Dude?
+ 4
@Mubashir about hacking: 100% true
about code copying: I'm pretty sure he's talking about code stealing (removing authors name, acting like it's yours and in no way asking for the author if it's cool). What you're doing is what everyone should and nobody minds!
+ 3
How about the make a list of programs questions?
+ 3
I see it everyday...
Repeating questions.
They don't attempt to search before they ask a question
+ 3
How to become a programmer
+ 3
😂 We know it's irrelevant.
But we're doing it anyway.
(Yeah it's just not nice spamming your question on someone else's question)
+ 2
😭 Just had another "Please give good websites for learning web development"
+ 2
When you on purposely answer twice the same answer, and pretend it's a glitch...
Just me?