+ 1
Difference between javascript and java,
I am learning JavaScript right now, as I am not at all programmer , I started it as hobby, and now made my first calculator, am thinking, is it possible for me to do same in java or c++, as by now am thinking to go deep and then switch to any programming language , especially to have at least one app my own app on my android
10 Respostas
+ 4
Of course it is possible, however, some languages are more useful for certain things than others.
For android apps, I would say to either go with JavaScript/HTML/CSS combo or Java.
As for switching - it will definitely be easier to switch to a new language if you already know at least one language well. However, do not expect it to be easy.
+ 2
First off, JavaScript is certainly a programming language, not a scripting language.
"JavaScript (/ËdÊÉËvÉËskrÉȘpt/[6]), often abbreviated as JS, is a high-level, dynamic, untyped, object-based, multi-paradigm, and interpreted programming language."
However, as Dainlus mentioned, they're not related in any way, shape, or form. This has been a discussion since the 90s, if I recall correctly. Was ones means of playing off the glory of another to promote it. ;)
+ 2
JavaScript cannot be used to create Applets or standalone applications. JavaScript is placed inside HTML documents, and provides an excellent interactive web pages that are not achievable using HTML and CSS.
The java language can help us to create stand-alone applications that can be run in a production environment, such as Windows, Mac and Linux. It's crossplatform. It can also help us to create applets that can be embedded into HTML.
JavaScript code can be changed/modified as many times as you want without question on compilation or interpretation.
After the Java application will be developed and be compiled, it cannot be changed. If you want to change it, you will need to edit the source code and then recompile the full file.
+ 1
OK, well a little encouragement got little down, but I will at least try out for shake of experience , hope for best...
+ 1
@Netkos Ent :-))))))))))))))))
+ 1
thanks for encouraging me, u all guys are best supports of programming world,
one more quest,
how similar is java and JavaScript, as the name match a little
The only similarity is the word "java" in the name. Othertwise, they are completely separate programming languages (JavaScript is not even a programming language per se, but rather a scripting language)
@Valery No such thing as asking silly questions. However, as you've shown, there is such a thing as silly answers. If you're offended by people asking questions, it's always best to just hold your tongue and go do something more important with your time.
- 1
Java & JavaScript are 2 different languages. Java is a object oriented programming language. So called High-level programming language. It means that it uses all principles of OOP: incapsulation, polymorphysm, inheritance. All the code in Java should be written inside the class. To run and compile Java programs on PC you must install JRE - Java Runtime Invironment. Javascript is a scenario language - it means that to run JS-programs you need only browser with built-in interpreter. All browsers have:-) JavaScript has dynamic typisation - means that variables can get different types and shouldn't be declared explicitly.
If u're not a programmer try to read some information in open source, for example, in wikipedia about the difference & usage of languages not to ask silly questions:-)))