Should I learn something else before C++ or can I jump into it directly?
I am interested in programming also new to this world. People say C++ is most used and versatile one so I was wondering what to start with. Any opinions are welcome. Thanks.
11 Respostas
+ 5
But if you learn it and still don't understand it then try javascript because javascript's syntax can help you to understand C++
(JavaScript is the only thing that make me understand Assembly and C++ that's it)
+ 3
On the contrary, Java and python are two most popular programming languages.
Versatile? Maybe but so is Python and even ... Java.
First language? C++ has a very steep learning curve, so if you are just learning for the sake of curiosity, I would recommend Python or even web programming (html, CSS, and JavaScript) because you'd writing real code and feeling like a real "programmer" in few months.
Python is a very simple yet powerful language (used on Google, YouTube, Instagram etc.)
+ 3
Connect or not I think It's not important
Learn it straight by the way first
+ 3
I'm merely saying python is a soft landing and the simplest way to introduce someone to programming in general.
But if C++ is going to be part of your curriculum, it would probably be a good idea to dip your toes in it right now.
+ 3
Little bits of both.
Books tend to be more comprehensive with a lot more depth but it can be boring.
Sololearn is little bit more interesting, the challenges exposes you to some quirks of the language but Sololearn tutorial is too scant if you ever want to do real programming with the language.
PS, coding is just as important as reading.
+ 2
Thanks for your guidance guys. Cheers. Starting C++ today right now. Sololearn does the job or a book is a better choice?
+ 1
Learn from solo learn tutorial
So it is safe to try C++ right away, I guess. And according to you I should do JavaScript first then C++ for better understanding, eh. That sounds good as well. Also thanks for your input.
I see. So after reading your answer, Adeola, I am confused. Dont know what to start with. It's just C++ is going to be a major part academic curriculum in my college first year so I thought I can get accustom with it for easier understanding and completion tasks later on. But if doing something before C++ can make my understanding of it better and makes learning effective I am ready to give it a shot.
And yeah as you said python is used on Google and other big platforms that entices me as well. But would it help me connect with C++?
I think you should learn c++ first because c++ is a tough language and if you are able to work with tough language then you can easily learn simple programming languages like java,c#,python. My brother completed his c++ course now he easily won any challenge in c# and python and java.